Saturday, March 20, 2010

A fake MSN's address

Hi all,
today, while I'm chatting through MSN with my friends, I received a invite to add in my contact list one contact. The contact is:

Being curious, I accepted the invitation to try to understand if it were a real contact or a classic fake account.

So I'm starting a conversation with it saying: " Hi ", and I received a very very fast reply which said: " I know a way we can chat and have a better time.. do you cam? ". Is simple to understand that the answer to the question is the second ;).

I also noticed that as a personal message has a web address;

Going to this address we are redirected to another;

We can see that the site is about web chat which it calls to register to see through cam one girl named Jessica. There is also a false interactive chat with girl to the right.
Well, there is not to say anything but only stay away from this contact and this site which is obviously a classic scam site. =)

Bye, see you in the next post.


  1. Ik klikte net ook op deze link, en toen ik het zag was ik bang dat ik er voor moest betalen.. Maar ik heb niets ingevuld, moet ik dan toch betalen? Of moet je daar je gegevens voor hebben ingevuld?

  2. Do not worry sjoerd. If you have not completed the credit card form for payment and if you have not clicked on "complete this transition", there shouldn't be problem =)


  3. Thank you for providing the service of rooting out these annoying sites and contact invitations. My general rule of thumb is to ignore and block anyone I don't know.

    However, I saw you had checked out my high school class blog via referrers on my stats page and found that one of my posts is on your "possibly relates posts". Although "automatically generated", I can assure you this is a legitimate blog, not trying to extract any information from anyone on the sly. If you (meaning your readers) are not a member of my graduating class, DO NOT send information. As a matter of fact, there's really no need to even read the blog. Thanks! :)
